onsdag den 27. maj 2015

Time for tea

Hey everyone :)
Hope you are having a great day !

I love highnoon tea. Here is a glimpse of tea at the castle  :)

tirsdag den 26. maj 2015

A moment of bliss

In our stressfull lives, it is so important, to take a moment to reflect and feel lucky for all the things you have. .and forget the things you don't have.

Todays picture is from my moment of feeling lucky a few days ago :)

mandag den 18. maj 2015

Snapshots from the weekend


This weekend has been all about relaxing and spending time at cozy restaurants.. here are some pictures of happiness :)

onsdag den 6. maj 2015

A healthy start


A great start begins with a good breakfast!

This is an easy and super healthy one and it tastes sooo good :)

What you do is :

1) Take some millet flakes and boil them in water, until it turns into porridge.

2) Put the porridge in a bowl.

3) On top of the porridge you can now add any (healthy) topping you like..

I have added apple-porridge, almonds and pomegranates.

Pomegranates contains antioxidants and gives a fruity edge, it is therefore something I will recomend as topping.

Have a nice day :)